Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Left hanging?

The blog is off to a little slower of a start than I initially anticipated. I know that there are some that are waiting to see what I have to say, when I say 'some', I think it's like 2 total. :) I do plan on posting more, just been having some very busy days. When I get home I am wiped. My attention span is already at a low on a normal day so you can only imagine what it is like on a, well, not so normal day. But I do plan on blogging on a regular basis. I just hope that, in the end, you all feel that the wait is worth it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

And So It Begins ...

I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog for quite some time now. One of the hardest things that I was dealing with, during the process, was trying to figure out what specific subject I could focus on that would be interesting to others. I then realized that not one thing going on in my life would interest anyone, hell, it barely interests me. So I came to the conclusion that I am going to make this blog be a big 'ol mesh of things scattered all over the place so randomly that a reader may find themselves wonerding 'what the hell was that' or 'where the hell did that come from'. My mind is a bit of a mess so I think this blog should mirror that. I want it to be like I sawed off my skull cap and poured it all out on the table and welcomed you all to come look at the mess inside my head. There is no better way to truly understand someone the walking a mile in their shoes, in my case its usually sneakers or flip flops or even some nice heels! The topics I post on a daily basis could be about my job, people I know or complete strangers I see throughout the day and how they make me feel. Ways people do things. My pet peeves. My likes and dislikes of things. Everything from my life, to movies, to television, to the comics I am reading to the music I am listening to. Alot of it will be focused on the most recent thing that took place in my life ... I have pretty much written off my "family" if that is what call them. I want to make this interesting for everyone to read. Right now I am just giving you a warning of sorts of what is to come. Pull up a seat, bring on the booze and get to relaxin' cuz the shows about to begin ... and I want you all to have the best seat in the house!